Innovative Psychiatrist and Therapist in New York

Innovative Psychiatrist and Therapist in New York

Dr. Anna Barrett is a board-certified, licensed New York City psychiatrist with a private practice.
She is trained in both medication management & talk therapy to treat all adult psychiatric issues including depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse, eating disorders, personality disorders, work stress, & relationship issues.
Services &
Dr. Anna Barrett is committed to helping patients achieve and expand their understanding of daily well-being and personal goals.
Get help with ADHD, Depression & Anxiety treatments from the comfort of home or in-office.
Safe & Compliant
Board-certified mental health experts, secure shipping, and full HIPAA compliance.
100% online
Talk to a doctor 8am-8pm, 7 days/ week.

Advice & Inspirational lessons for people seeking help

Book an appoitment
11330 Santa Monica Blvd Suite
110 Los Angeles, CA 90025
+1 541-754-3010